Saturday, July 24, 2010

Friends, Booze and the Kennychu

I’ve been having such a great time :) I’ve been up at Kenny’s since Wednesday night and it’s actually been amazing! He’s had the flat to himself so we can just relax and be ourselves! 

We had Jen staying over on the Friday night along with Aldi brand Malibu – which is actually strangely good!! At £4.99, how can you complain?! :D Didn’t really do much – just sat up drinking, smoking, talking shite and having a laugh! Braw times all the same! xD

Today has been really nice though, after Jen headed off, me and Kenny have basically had a super lazy day! Hugging up on the couch, watching Disney films (well, forcing him to watch Disney films!), The I.T Crowd and listening to my awesome music :P I managed to grab music by Chewy Chocolate Cookies, Le Castle Vania, Danger, Fukkk Offf, of Montreal and more! So it’s been “pyoor bangin’!”
Our mate Bob’s heading up now from Kilwinning to come and stay over and drink with us, so this ought to be good!! :D

After these past couple of days, I’ve just been thinking more and more about the whole Dundee situation and I’m actually really excited about it! I can’t really explain how it is I’m really feeling about it – I just feel happy and it feels right! :D

Hmm... I best go and get ready now anyway! Bob’s due here soon!

P.S. I can’t believe I missed the “Legalise Cannabis” march today in Glasgow!!!  Gutted!

Thursday, July 22, 2010


A wee while ago, Kenny applied to work in Dundee for a year. It's some internship thingy that's related to software development.... or something like that... lol

Well, he got the job! He got the job and is moving to Dundee at the end of next month! It's going to be difficult for a while I think, for we basically won’t really see each other till November!  :S I've decided that come November, I'm going to move up to Dundee, and we're going to live with each other. It'd only be for a year up there, as after his internship he'd have to go back to Uni to do his honours. For that handful of people who'd miss hanging out with me, Fear not!!! Heh :P

I was really nervous when I decided I was going to do this... I'm giving up quite a lot to do this but I think I've reached that point where it'd be nice just to live with Kenny. Don't get me wrong, I'm not wanting to rush into engagement or marriage or anything like that, but the travel to see each other is already bad, Dundee would kill us!!

Well... that's all there is to say really! So when September comes, you'll start seeing me beginning to get all panicky :P Oh the joy lol

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Piercings and tattoo designs

Well, I'm back at my mum's house again waiting on another repair guy to come over. I hate being up this early but at least I have the internet to keep me company :P

So, I've been thinking recently that I definitely want more piercings. The next one I intend to have will be my tongue, just need to save or just go for it the next time I get a decent wage :) As for tattoos, I did a wee sketch of something I would like. Obviously this is just the sketch and not the final version, but I'll be wanting this on my lower back :)
Tattoo Design "In Strawberry Fields... All You Need Is... LOVE"

I've been able to see Kenny a bit more this week which has been good, especially as it feels like we never get to see each other any more! The joys of no money! But that won't be for too long hopefully... *crosses fingers*

On another note, I don't think I'll be drinking for a wee while! Had an immense binge at the weekend so my liver's saying no!! Give it a few weeks and I'll be back to my old self though xD

Well there's nothing else to report really! Life is dull in the land of me :P

Friday, July 9, 2010

Hamsters & Alcohol

Well, our wee hamster Patrice passed away a few days ago :( It was very sad as she was just adorable.. We've buried her in the garden with lots of wee flowers and leaves so it was quite sweet...
R.I.P Mistress Patrice Bodie - Lady of the Manor!

We now have a new hamster though.. Well, when I say hamster, I mean the spawn of Satan! This hamster is pure evil!! It's taken a while to actually name this beast!! We had the following ideas..
  1. Friedrich - Seeing as we already have the cat who is called Nietzsche, it'd be amusing to have an evil hamster called Friedrich.. :P
  2. Precious - Just cause she's fat, black and misunderstood!
  3. Myra Hindley - She nearly killed 5 other hamsters so had to be isolated!

In the end, we decided to go with Myra Precious Hindley :D And here's some pictures of the evil fur ball!

Feel her eyes penetrate your soul!

One can't plan murder on an empty tum tum!

Despite how evil she is, she's still adorable!

The cat is still alive though! He's still an arsehole though! But like Myra, he's still adorable! 

I ended up going out last night with Kenny, Bob and Eddie to the pub, seeing as I'm in Kilwinning for a couple of days... Got some amusing pics, have a good laugh and got really drunk! So naturally, I'm fragile as all hell today!! :( Woe is my face!!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Avon and hedgehogs

Well, I'm now officially an Avon representative. This will probably backfire somehow and leave me in a worse situation, but hopefully it will get some cash to live on as well! I'm kinda nervous about it... Like what if no one buys anything? Most people are away home for the summer as the uni's are closed or they live too far away for me to afford the travel :/

I haven't been sleeping good recently and last night was no different, so I got intouch with Martyn and we ended up going this lovely walk :) On the way I found the biggest hedgehog I've ever seen! It was so cute! I wanted to pet it but I didn't wanna catch rabies lol :P
We ended up just walking around the golf course for a bit and it was just beautiful. It was all illuminated by moonlight, there were no cars about, the stars were bright and huge and it was amazing! It was so relaxing :)
We ended up recording our conversation on the walk back home though for some weird reason! You can't see a thing but it's pretty funny :P

Anyway, nothing else to talk about so I'll head off!

P.S. Buy Avon stuff off me!!!

Friday, July 2, 2010


Today is not a happy day :( Today is the day where I should have been in Paris by now with Kenny :(.

We arranged a while back to have this awesome holiday away. Just a break from everything. So we booked tickets to Paris and were gonna pay for the hotel, Disneyland, train to Amsterdam and a hostel bit by bit.

Little did we know that we would be depressingly poor!

So, I now have 2 weeks of holiday, nowhere/nothing to do, I'm still depressingly poor and I'll be lucky if I even see Kenny during the next 2 weeks!

So if anyone fancies meeting up and doing something then gimmie a shout!! :P