Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Money woes, Forums, Illness and Positive thinking

Ok, so I claimed to go on the Job Seekers Allowance on the 24th of November. To anyone who hasn't ever applied for this benifit, it's normally a straight forward procedure. You would get money every fortnight to help you out when you have no income. I've been able to sign on in the past without any problems, and normally within a month or two, I'd be back in a job.

Things have changed.

Since the 24th of November, I've been fobbed off, lied to, been given false promises, treated like scum and just been made to feel insignificant. I've worked in call centres and had to deal with abusive callers, but I've NEVER been made to feel as horrible as they made me feel. I don't think I can actually describe it.

I got told on the Monday (10th Jan.) that I was actually entitled to nothing. Absolutely nothing. Despite the fact they had told me several times that my claim was fine - that hopefully the money would be in my account the next day - That my claim is being processed - should be sorted within the week. They made me believe everything was fine, so I had been depending on money that I was never entitled to in the first place.

Words can't actually how angry and upset this has made me. For a department that is meant to help people, I've never feel so cheated and let down. I wouldn't actually be this angry/ upset if I was told this over a month ago. Then things like my bills could have been sorted - and maybe my phone wouldn't be cut off.

I'll be going to the Citizens Advice Bureau tomorrow morning and explaining the entire situation, so hopefully there's some help they can give me. I'm hoping I can get a crisis loan, but I'm going to need £200 at the very very least. So, fingers crossed for me =/

For the past week now, Kenny's been really ill. He's managed to pick up some sort of stomach bug, he's been in a right state... poor bugger. So I've been looking after him while he's been all bed ridden :) He's looking a lot better today though, which is brilliant, because with things the way they are money wise, we can't afford him being off anymore =/ Such a poo situation. Although, at least he's feeling better  his health more important than money will ever be :)

I recently joined as I wanted to get talking to more Xbox gamers to try and find more friends through it - and also, I missed being on forums! I'm trying to build my rep back up ;) If you're on this website then add me :D My user name is Miss Kay1987 :)
So far i'm beginning to get talking to a few people which is good :D

Well, I'm going to try and end this blog now on a positive note, and also because I'm aware it's verging onto a novel :P
At the moment, despite all the crap that I'm going through, this wee trip to Brussels is the only thing really keeping me going. I know that it's probably going to screw me over in the long term even more financially wise, but hell, I need a wee break away from everything - and what better way to do that than get out the country with Kenny and 2 of my best mates! It'll be nice celebrating my birthday over there as well... (I can't believe how old I'm getting!! >_<)
I'm trying to think positively through all this, and remain upbeat - so please feel free to send happy feel good energies my way! :)

Thanks for reading, and I hope you're all well!
Kay x

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