I guess it's time for me to reflect on this, yes?
What have I achieved in the last 25 years? Nothing that I can show off anyway. I don't have amazing school grades, a degree, or a job (yet).
What I have though, is the beginning for a fabulous future. For the past 5 years, my relationship with Kenny continues to amaze and surprise me. We have those serious chats more often now, like the "where are we going from here" conversations. Part of me wants to run to the hills at the concept of this much commitment, yet the other half feel like this is exactly where I want to be. Which, if you know me at all, is a pretty big fucking thing!
I have an amazing flat - it's not perfect, I know, but for starting off, it's bloody perfect. I can totally see me here for the next 5+ years, so recently I have been trying to be all domestic goddess and have the place just as I like it. And you know what? I fucking love it!
I actually can't believe how quickly I feel like i'm growing up... But I've decided not to fight it anymore.
I'm also trying my best to get my life back in line. I don't want to become a slave to my emotions and negativity all my life, so I have started a regime.
- Tidy more often
- Exercise more (walking back from college, ordered an exercise DVD etc)
- Be more creative
- Sort out my sleeping patterns
- Meet my college deadlines
- Meet up with friends more
- Take up a hobby that isn't just video games
- Save money!!!
I have seriously been feeling a lot better recently though. I still have my bad down days, but I'm dealing with them better. I just try and do something so I'm atleast productive at the same time, so regardless how crap I fell, I know I've achieved something, and not matter how small it is, an achievement is still a posative thing :)
Shittles, it's 1am. Time to finish this up quickly then!
My birthday was amazing. Kenny and our flatmate decided to throw me a surprise party on the Saturday. I got back from my mum's, hung about town with Kenny to come back to balloons with "Happy Dethday", "Flange Juices", "Saggy Scrotum", "Anal Seepage" and other delightful words wrote on then, the most disgusting homemade vegan cake I've ever seen (fucking tasty though!), great music and a small bunch of friends. It was perfect! :)
My brother also got me a Mastodon ticket. I am so excited it's not even funny!! :D :D :D
I've also treated myself - I have bought myself a purple ukulele, and a whole bunch of DVDs! :D
Btw, the people who actually read my blog, I don't know if you're people I know or random people from the land of the internets, but if you're my friends then thank you for not treating me different for all the ranty stuff I put on this.
Right, I've summed up everything that's happened! Time for a late night shower and then sleep! :D
Also, I've never seen a comic that has summed me up more in my entire life. Read and subscribe.