Friday, January 28, 2011

So it's come to this... *le sigh*

P.S. - I would like to state that I only went on Chat Roulette with Bob originally to see what it was all about and then again by myself cause I was bored and wanted to wind up/talk to people. I wasn't on it for any "kinkiness"
Overall opinion of it:

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Yes, I'm THIS bored.

10 people who have/had impacted your life and why
(In no particular order)
  • Kenny — He's seen me at my worst and my best. He's helped get me through the tough times and doesn't judge me for it either. We don't have a lot in common, but it's kinda nice as well. Means we don't get bored of each other either :)
  • My mum — We have had a rocky relationship and we're now finally able to move on and accept each other. It's like we're making up for lost time. It's also nice seeing her happy now :) I love her and I'm glad we can talk to each other better now :)
  • My dad — Although he hasn't always been there for me, and we never got along, he has influenced me in a positive way. I never want to end up like him. It sounds negative when put like that, but it's true :)
  • Mr brother — He's a total fanny. But I love him to bits :P We've been there for each other when shit got bad, and it's brought us closer. 
  • Andrew — I love this guy to pieces. He's helped me come out my shell, introduced me to a new way of life (and drugs) and let me explore my creative side. That's something I'll always cherish.
  • Bob — We've been friends for about 4 years now, and the experiences we've had together would blow your mind. Love this guy to bits, and I'm so glad to have him in my life! :D
  • Will — Although I've only met him a few times, I feel like I've known him all my life. We have the most amazing banter, so many lols, and he's like the sexy male version of me :P I'm happy I know him, cause it's always nice to have another person in your life with an equally sick mind :P
  • Hazel — She's my rock :) Although we don't see each other much anymore, when we do meet up or talk, it's always amazing. I miss her so much and I'm so happy that she's found happiness :) She deserves it <3
  • My Step-Dad — Although he's a bit loud, rude at times and incredibly blunt, he's made my mum so happy. For that I owe him the world :)
10 memories you can’t leave behind
  • The bliss of moving in with Andrew
  • My first holiday to Canada with Kenny
  • Being taken to A&E, stoned out my face, on the day before Christmas Eve after watching Casablanca. All Andrew could say was "HAPPY ONE WEEK ANNIVERSARY".... After 1 week of living together, I'm admitted to hospital. Braw times!
  • The first time I ever had Hazel and Ewan stay over...
  • The time when I stayed over with my BF at the time, Jamie. I had to hide under the bed, and run out the door when the coast was clear. Only discovering when I was on the bus home that all my clothes were inside out...
  • During my rebellious days, skipping school and getting wasted up the Necro in Glasgow with friends. Such debauchery!!
  • 2 litres of vodka. 1 night.
  • Acid adventures!
  • Driving Dominic's car. Nearly ran over a dog, then nearly crashed into a wall.
  • Throwing Bob in the boot of a car and driving round the abandoned factories :P (Craig was driving - not me!)
8 things that are on your mind right now
  • It’s so cold, I don’t want to leave the house.
  • I wish I could laugh as much now as I did in some of my past memories. Nostalgia! I miss it.
  • I want some vodka.
  • Can has job?!
  • I really need to buy a webcam.
  • I wish I had that really awesome hat.
  • I can't wait till my holiday in February!!
  • I want some company!
7 bad habits
  • Putting nail varnish on then picking it off.
  • I can't take "no" as an answer sometimes.
  • I suck at texting back unless I’m just sitting there.
  • Hitting snooze on my alarm for as long as I can instead of just getting up.
  • Leaving everything until the last minute - getting ready, coursework, going for buses, leaving for work. Every time.
  • Zoning out when people are talking, but occasionally going ‘mhmm’ so they think I’m listening.
  • I usually forget to take mascara off before I go to bed.
6 lies
  • I’m religious.
  • I hate dogs.
  • I only have one leg.
  • I love talking about coding.
  • Public transport is my favourite thing.
  • I hate music and films.
Name 5 ex boyfriends/girlsfriends and which one meant the most to you?
  • Jamie
  • Pete
  • Jo
  •  There’s no others that mean anything to me anymore.
4 phrases you say a lot 
  • LOL (yes I actually say it out loud and I really can’t help myself, it’s an addiction haha).
  • That’s pretty awesome / boss.
  • Fuck / fucking (really  need to stop that!)
3 confessions
  • I develop crushes on people far too easy.
  • If I’m walking myself at night I carry my keys between my fingers so if I get attacked I can stab them in the eye. True story. Paranoid much?
  • I want to leave this town before I end up like everyone else in it.
2 quotes/sayings/songs etc. that keep you motivated
  • Make a radical change in your lifestyle and begin to boldly do things which you may previously never have thought of doing, or been too hesitant to attempt. So many people live within unhappy circumstances and yet will not take the initiative to change their situation because they are conditioned to a life of security, conformity, and conservation…The joy of life comes from our encounters with new experiences.
  • Hapiness is only real when shared.
Write about the 1 person you constantly think about. Who’s this person and why?
  • There’s no single person I constantly think about, many people float in and out of my consciousness in any one day.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

You Don't Have A Clue

So, I've been listening to a lot of the band, Royksopp recently. I'm particularly in love with this song tonight :) Mainly for it's lovely lyrics and lovely music :)

It's late in the night, dancing is done

The music has died, you're ready to run

But you don't have a clue, this party hasn't ended yet

Not for me and you, now you're just pretending

You're hiding from yourself,

Yes you are, yes you are
Like golden rays of sun in the cloud

We're meant to be one, I know we are

If I am the sky, then you are my star

Hey you don't have a clue, this party never ended

Not for me and you, I know you're just pretending

You're hiding from yourself,

Yes you are, yes you are
Like golden rays of sun in the cloud

I will make you see 

Haven't you got, haven't you got it yet?
Just lay down for a while, next to me

Didn't mean to make you panic, didn't mean to put you off

Baby it's the way that you've got me
I listen to my heart and it takes you high
And you ask me how, can I show you how?
I need your love right now, now, now.
Oh, oh. 

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Money woes, Forums, Illness and Positive thinking

Ok, so I claimed to go on the Job Seekers Allowance on the 24th of November. To anyone who hasn't ever applied for this benifit, it's normally a straight forward procedure. You would get money every fortnight to help you out when you have no income. I've been able to sign on in the past without any problems, and normally within a month or two, I'd be back in a job.

Things have changed.

Since the 24th of November, I've been fobbed off, lied to, been given false promises, treated like scum and just been made to feel insignificant. I've worked in call centres and had to deal with abusive callers, but I've NEVER been made to feel as horrible as they made me feel. I don't think I can actually describe it.

I got told on the Monday (10th Jan.) that I was actually entitled to nothing. Absolutely nothing. Despite the fact they had told me several times that my claim was fine - that hopefully the money would be in my account the next day - That my claim is being processed - should be sorted within the week. They made me believe everything was fine, so I had been depending on money that I was never entitled to in the first place.

Words can't actually how angry and upset this has made me. For a department that is meant to help people, I've never feel so cheated and let down. I wouldn't actually be this angry/ upset if I was told this over a month ago. Then things like my bills could have been sorted - and maybe my phone wouldn't be cut off.

I'll be going to the Citizens Advice Bureau tomorrow morning and explaining the entire situation, so hopefully there's some help they can give me. I'm hoping I can get a crisis loan, but I'm going to need £200 at the very very least. So, fingers crossed for me =/

For the past week now, Kenny's been really ill. He's managed to pick up some sort of stomach bug, he's been in a right state... poor bugger. So I've been looking after him while he's been all bed ridden :) He's looking a lot better today though, which is brilliant, because with things the way they are money wise, we can't afford him being off anymore =/ Such a poo situation. Although, at least he's feeling better  his health more important than money will ever be :)

I recently joined as I wanted to get talking to more Xbox gamers to try and find more friends through it - and also, I missed being on forums! I'm trying to build my rep back up ;) If you're on this website then add me :D My user name is Miss Kay1987 :)
So far i'm beginning to get talking to a few people which is good :D

Well, I'm going to try and end this blog now on a positive note, and also because I'm aware it's verging onto a novel :P
At the moment, despite all the crap that I'm going through, this wee trip to Brussels is the only thing really keeping me going. I know that it's probably going to screw me over in the long term even more financially wise, but hell, I need a wee break away from everything - and what better way to do that than get out the country with Kenny and 2 of my best mates! It'll be nice celebrating my birthday over there as well... (I can't believe how old I'm getting!! >_<)
I'm trying to think positively through all this, and remain upbeat - so please feel free to send happy feel good energies my way! :)

Thanks for reading, and I hope you're all well!
Kay x

Monday, January 3, 2011

Tis the season

Ok, for anyone who knows me at all, will know that I'm very Scrooge like when it comes to Christmas and New Year. I am the Queen of "Bah Humbug", and I am known for my moaning and groaning about the corporate sham that is Santamas.

Things have changed.

I actually had a lovely time. Sure, I was ill as fuck on Christmas till the 29th, and I even still have a wee feeble cough to this moment. But, overall, I had a lovely time. It was just me and Kenny, we didn't really do anything special, we didn't decorate the flat with the corpse of a tree and humiliate it by hanging sparkly shit on it, but we just spent a day together not worrying about all the stress of money and work.

So I guess I got my Christmas wish!! :P

I'm kinda struggling with money at the moment, I've been waiting on the Job Centre to actually pay me since the 24th of November and still nothing. Despite that though, I managed to get Kenny a couple of games as a Christmas pressie. I got him Just Cause 2 and Halo: Reach. I'm not normally a big Halo fan, but fuck me - that is one pretty game!!!!

I had Linky coming to visit on the 30th, which was awesome! She stayed here till the 3rd, and we also had her GF and Jimmy visit us! So it was several days of pure unadulterated win! :D Lots of booze was drunk, and many lols were had!! :D

Although, it's nice having an empty flat again. It's going to be nice to have a wee early night and get some snuggles :)

So, to sum it all up:
I feel happy :)

Hope you all had a lovely Christmas, and I hope this New Year brings everyone joy and lols :)

Kay x

P.S. Forgot to mention, I'm going away on holiday with Kenny, Will and Bob to Brussels on the 2nd of February till the 7th.... I am so excited about this!!! :D :D :D
So much debauchery... so little time!! :D Also, I've always wanted a holiday with friends, so this trip shall be full of the finest quantities of win! :D